I've got this thing where I hate being wrong. Makes me feel very icky inside.
As I was journaling tonight, I found myself typing this:
Please shape my ministry, Lord. And increase my faith. Sort my thoughts and desires, and make sense of them. Show me, too, that I don't have to be right all the time. That I don't have to understand everything.
You want me to be humble. With my faults.
See, I take my own faults way too seriously. I can get pretty neurotic at times.
As I continued typing, I made a reference to this blog by its name: ...delerium. And when I did, I saw a little red squiggly line under the word. Spell check.
No freakin' way, I thought.
Sure enough. I, the spelling nazi, have had a giant misspelled word at the top of my blog for seven years.
And I laughed... and corrected it.