Thursday, February 05, 2004

I should clarify my previous two posts.

I used to be a hopeless romantic. Turns out that part of that deal is being hopeless. Should have figured. For the longest time, I bought into the Romantic glorification of falling in love. I'm done with that, now.


I have found in a scant few years of mixed romantic experiences that feelings, even strong mutual feelings, fluctuate. They can disappear and reappear. Can and do. So why base a relationship on something so inconsistent? Or a marriage? Yet the expectation, the clich?, is "fall in love and get married." At least, it was.

Marriage has lost its meaning, as far as some people are concerned. It's a promise that's almost expected to be broken. I would suggest that this is because so many couples expected to stay in love forever. No one told them that it doesn't work that way.

More and more often, I realize that central aspects of the world around me are dysfunctional. I think the very institution of dating may be one of them, as we're expected to approach it.

So, I may just be done with that, too.

I'm in the process of formulating an... alternate approach. It will involve lots of prayer, a philosophical discussion or two I'm sure, and much reading of the Bible. Sure, I'll still fall in love from time to time, but I intend to have an entirely different reaction. The romantic in me is protesting loudly, but he's had his say in the past. I think it's time for something new.

Monday, February 02, 2004

As though in answer to my question (thank you, Lord), a copy of The Church Herald appeared in my living room. The front page article: "Courtship and Marriage: Is it All About Love?"

The article puts forth the radical ideas that dating is an artificial construct, romantic love is fleeting and inconsistent, and that for a successful marriage, commitment is a higher priority even than love.


Sunday, February 01, 2004

Look around for a moment. Think back. Think forward, if you can. Examine your heart, and all that's run through... and over it.

Is it possible that our society's approach to and notions about love are completely backward?

I'd say it's not only possible... it's highly likely.